
Tritton AX720专业电脑电竞耳麦带麦 lol游戏监听影音头戴式耳机

  • 套餐类型:官方标配
  • 颜色分类:全套(好评返现20元)
  • 佩戴方式:头戴护耳式
  • 耳机类型:有线
  • 有无麦克风:带麦
  • 耳机售后服务:店铺三包
  • 插头直径:其他
  • 耳机插头类型:直插型
  • 耳机类别:监听耳机
  • 品牌:Saitek/赛钛客

买家必读:AX720 美版 头戴耳机 保证音质非常好,不满意全额退货并送运费保险。发货配的耳套是原装棉质耳套。



3、我们卖的是美版的耳机,因为同样是 AX720 解码器和音控开关有所不同。我们的以我们实物照为准。

4、这个耳机配件太多,兼容XBOX 360、XBOX ONE、PS3、PS4、PC、MAC、各类手柄,可以说全支持。


TRITTON AX720 7.1杜比环绕耳机
拥有杜比认证7.1声道技术,TRITTON AX 720耳机能复制高端家庭影院系统身临其境的感觉,置身于逼真的三维声场中享受您最爱的视频游戏。

USB 2路通讯




可选的声音监控可以让你通过性能平衡的40毫米扬声器听到自己的声音,可拆卸的、灵活的麦克风已经为Xbox Live和Play Station网络传输进行了优化。


PC/PS3/xbox全兼容 美加狮游戏耳麦评测

【IT168 评测】游戏耳机常见,5.1声道游戏耳机也有不少。有5.1声道环绕声又能同时兼容PC、PS3和XBOX360的耳机就不常见了。美加狮TRITTON AX720能同时兼容PC、PS3和XBOX360,耳麦内置杜比能将立体声游戏及音乐拓展成5.1声道环绕声。游戏效果更震撼。


怎么样心动了没?好东西价格也不便宜,美加狮TRITTON AX720售价(咨询特价)。那么虚拟的5.1环绕声效果如何呢?一起跟随今天的评测了解。

●TRITTON AX720功能简介





TRITTON AX720更大,风格也有很大不同,外观兼具了游戏耳机的专业性和时尚性。别看个头大,耳麦整体重量控制还不错,戴着头上不会感觉很重。


TRITTON AX720单侧采用一个40mm直径音圈,主要通过杜比音效模拟5.1声道。耳机动态和解析优秀。





TRITTON AX720附带有一个声卡,来支持杜比声效。通过该声卡可将传统的立体声转化成5.1声道环绕声。而且针对游戏电影和音乐还有不同调教。TRITTON AX720声卡输出只能通过专用接口。在电脑端输入可选用3.5mm/usb,在PS端可选择USB/光纤,在BOX端只能使用光纤。从左到右依次是TRITTON AX720附带的光纤线、USB线和电源线。





TRITTON AX720的细节处理有粗有细,看头戴外部质感绝对优异,头戴顶端的又时尚又霸气。但是里侧的海绵里衬虽然舒适度尚可,但看起来总是不如(咨询特价)的定位那么高端。


TRITTON AX720线控上头可拔插能替换其他耳麦使用。下头是如左下图所示的PS2接头,耳麦附有转接线。连上就可接驳普通声卡。


TRITTON AX720只能通过USB和光纤输入信号,两条信号线均有附送。上图从左到右依次是TRITTON AX720附带的光纤线、USB线和电源线。


TRITTON AX720能连接PC、PS3和XBOX360。本次试用,编辑是通过光纤链接PS3和AX720。


▲TRITTON AX720声卡连接


TRITTON AX720声卡正面按键。从左往右:电源、音量、声效模式选择。而且可以看惮TRITTON AX720的声卡可连接两个耳机,可双人对战使用。


耳麦有三种模屎关闭、游戏和音乐。由于音乐和游戏对环绕和声音着重表现有很大不同,TRITTON AX720 5.1声道模式可分别针对游戏(电影)和音乐 进行优化,适应不同的声音环境。试听时,编辑针对两种模式都有试听。

▲TRITTON AX720 试听音乐


首先说一下耳机在双声道模式下的素质。耳机的三频比较均衡,没有特别明显的倾向性。40mm的音圈对低频的量感有较大帮助,耳机低频量感足,响应速度和动态表现都不错。中频部分声音略微偏厚重饱满,但很微弱。高频的解析力好,细节丰富。整体而言,TRITTON AX720 具备了游戏耳机应具备的素质。开启5.1声道模式后,声音的密度有很大提升,声场开的更阔,尤其是前后的纵深空间感增加明显,人声部分相对乐器离人耳朵更近。但是声音的细节有一定丢失。

▲TRITTON AX720 游戏试玩




美加狮耳机编辑已评测过两款,多平台的特性是两者共有的,网友通常会具有多个游戏平台,而购买了一个耳机就能满足所有需求。TRITTON AX720 最大特点是具备杜比Digital Pro logic II技术,能将立体声游戏及音乐拓展成5.1声道环绕声,这对于游戏玩家的帮助很大。通过试用, AX720 开启5.1后效果增强明显,定位清晰易辨。

TRITTON AX720 7.1杜比环绕耳机/XBOX360/PS3/PC通用型号


Xbox Live的端口
Xbox 360的音频输入类型:RCA
Introducing Tritton’s High Performance Gaming Audio System

Tritton Technologies has long made excellent and versatile Dolby Digital headsets.  However, the previous standard, the Tritton AX Pro with it’s four drivers in each ear was a bit beyond what many gamers were willing to pay at around $180.  The new Tritton AX 720 comes in at $129.99 (at BestBuy) and retains the great versatility of the AX Pro in supporting PC, Mac, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

The AX 720 has an impressive feature list, including:

  • Digital Optical Connection
  • Dolby Digital / Pro Logic II / Dolby Headphone
  • Inline Audio Controller with Independent Chat Volume 
  • Voice Compatible with XBox Live
  • USB Microphone for PlayStation Network /PC/Mac
  • Removable And Replaceable Ear Pads and Headrail Pad
  • Removable Microphone

Even with all of these great features, $129.99 seems a bit steep, but when you listen to them the price point makes sense.


Unboxing the headset reveals that this is not a simple device with a long wire that you plug into your source.  The Tritton AX 720 consists to two main parts.  First, there is a power and processing unit that you put in your A/V stack near your gaming system, in my case a PlayStation 3.  The front of the processing unit has two outlets for headsets.  This allows for the unique option of playing two-player games while both wearing headsets. 



The headset itself is substantial and solid.  The removable microphone installs and locks with a twist.  From my initial research into Tritton headsets, I was concerned that the microphone boom would be stiff and prone to breakage.  In reality, the Tritton AX 720’s microphone has a flexible boom that allows it to be precisely positioned and looks like it can handle a bit of rough treatment.


Hooking up the AX 720 is pretty straightforward.  For a PlayStation 3, you simply use the included optical cable to hook the processing unit to the back of the PlayStation and use the included USB cable to attach to one of the USB ports on the front of the PS3.  The processor also needs to be powered, so find a space for the adapter on your power-strip.   Due to the relatively short lengths of the optical and USB cables, the processor needs to set pretty close to your gaming system.  However, this worked fine for my setup. 


Setting up the audio output on your PlayStation will likely require a small configuration change.  Prior to getting the AX 720, I was using HDMI for both video and sound from my PlayStation.  So, when using the headphones, I needed to navigate over to audio settings in the PlayStation menu and select the optical audio output.  This is quick and easy, but be careful to select only Dolby Digital and not DTS or else you will not get sound from certain games (this is mentioned in the headset documentation).

Getting Down to Fragging with the AX 720

As I mentioned in a previous headphone review, my game of choice is Killzone 2.  Once I had the AX 720’s plugged in and could hear the melodious chimes of the PlayStation menus in the absolute silence afforded by the headphones, it was time to hop online, joint a team, and kill the enemy. 

As I mentioned in a previous headphone review, my game of choice is Killzone 2.  Once I had the AX 720’s plugged in and could hear the melodious chimes of the PlayStation menus in the absolute silence afforded by the headphones, it was time to hop online, joint a team, and kill the enemy. 
When I put on the headphones and powered them up, I felt like I was in an empty and acoustically perfect room.  The AX 720 produces beautiful and crisp sound with just one driver per ear.  The AX 720 processing box takes Dolby Digital 5.1 as an optical signal from any source and processes it using Dolby digital headphone technology rendering excellent binaural sound.  Binaural recordings or binaurally processed sound is reproduced specifically for your ears.  5 or 7 speaker sound is received by only your two ears, so the Dolby headphone technology does the job of simulating the room all those speakers would be sitting in and presents it 
as you’d hear it.  This elegant arrangement translates into a great gaming experience with excellent location resolution of the sounds you hear.  You’ll have no problem hearing that guy sneaking up on you and you’ll be able to tell if he’s behind or about to come around the corner (this is also dependent on the game, of course).

There is small controller on the cord a couple of feet before the headset.  It allows you to control the game and chat volumes independently as well as mute the microphone.   This is very valuable since you may want to adjust chat volume up or down depending on your game situation.  The mic mute is nice if you need to talk to someone in the real world or eat something.

Sound reproduction is very important; however, this is a gaming headset and you need to keep in touch with you’re teammates if you’re going to be a serious contender.  In that respect, the Tritton AX 720 is a solid performer.  The mic, as I said above, is easily positionable on a flexible boom.  I played a number of times in squads with good communication, so I know that my team could hear me well.

This headset is also PC and Mac compatible, but if you don’t have optical audio out, you can plug it in as a regular analog headset.  It is competent in that mode, but without the amplifier or volume control, buying this headset for that purpose wouldn’t make much sense.

Tritton AX 720 – Final Thoughts

I was very impressed by the sound quality from the Tritton AX 720’s.  Putting them on is like walking into a sound studio.  They are my preferred headset for listening to my PlayStation for games and movies.  The microphone works well and is on an adjustable and durable boom.  However, I still am careful to turn the mic so that it isn’t torqued when I lie the headphones down.  If these were the only headset that I’d used for my PlayStation, I’d be very happy.

I’ve also tried out the Turtle Beach P21 Ear Force headset.  The sound quality of the Tritton AX was superior, but the chat functionality of the P21 was significantly better.  The P21’s chat features that make all the difference are: Chat Boost and Microphone Monitoring.  Chat Boost increases the chat volume when the game is louder so that you can always hear your teammates over the fray.  Microphone Monitoring allows you to hear your own voice in your ears and is more useful than I imagined.  With the P21’s I can always tell if my voice (or breathing) is being picked up and if the mic is muted or not.  While the Tritton AX 720 has much better sound quality, I find it easier to communicate with my team on the P21’s.

The Tritton AX 720 is an excellent headset for taking advantage of your PC, Mac, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3 digital audio while having chat for multiplayer network gaming.  While the headset is very versatile and comes with an adapter to allow you to use it in analog mode with any audio source and microphone input, if you don’t have optical audio out you’ll not get your money’s worth our of the AX 720.


Legit Bottom Line:

If you’re looking for awesome Dolby Digital sound quality at a reasonable price and want to be able to communicate in online multiplayer games, the Tritton AX 720 is the headset for you ($129.99 at BestBuy).  However, if you want excellent communication for gaming and aren’t much of a stickler for sound quality, there are other, less expensive choices.
